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Blog Post number 2

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3D‐Printed Planar Graded Index Lenses

Shiyu Zhang, Ravi Kumar Arya, Shaileshchandra Pandey, Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Will Whittow, and Raj Mittra. "3D‐printed planar graded index lenses" IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 10, no. 13 (2016): 1411-1419. doi:10.1049/iet-map.2016.0013

Ultra-Wideband Flat Metamaterial GRIN Lenses Assisted with Additive Manufacturing Technique

Zhang, S., Arya, R. K., Whittow, W. G., Cadman, D., Mittra, R., & Vardaxoglou, J. C. (2020). "Ultra-wideband flat metamaterial GRIN lenses assisted with additive manufacturing technique." IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , 69(7), 3788-3799. doi:10.1109/TAP.2020.3044586

Compact PIFA Antenna with High Gain and Low SAR Using AMC for WLAN/C-band/5G Applications

Verma, A., Arya, R. K., Bhattacharya, R., & Raghava, S. N. "Compact PIFA antenna with high gain and low SAR using AMC for WLAN/C-band/5G applications." IETE Journal of Research (2021): 1-11.

Wide-Angle Scanning Antennas for Millimeter-Wave 5G Applications

Mittra, Raj, Abdelkhalek Nasri, and Ravi Kumar Arya. "Wide-angle scanning antennas for millimeter-wave 5G applications." Engineering 11 (2022): 60-71. doi:10.1016/j.eng.2021.10.017

THz quad-beam holographic antenna with independent beam control and low sidelobe levels

Yerrola, A.K., Arya, R.K., Ali, M. et al. THz quad-beam holographic antenna with independent beam control and low sidelobe levels. Wireless Networks (2023). doi:10.1007/s11276-023-03418-1




This page lists the abbreviations used for different journals.

IF: Impact Factor
CS: CiteScore
Q: Quartiles (M:Multidisciplinary, EEE:Electrical and Electronic Engineering, E:Engineering, CMP:Condensed Matter Physics, PA:Physics and Astronomy)
OA: Open Access mode (H:Hybrid, O:Only OA, N: No OA)
FD: First decision in weeks
SP: Sample antenna paper in the concerned journal
NA: Concerned information is not applicable

Antenna-related Conferences

  • First, read warnings before proceeding further.
  • Refer to abbreviations to understand the meaning of abbreviations used in this website.
  • For general information on different journal-related terms, refer to information page.
Conference name and IEEE Xplore websiteLocationDate(s)Dedicated website
International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES)USAMay 18-21, 2025ACES
International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)ChinaAugust 8-11, 2025ACES-China
Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA)USANovember 2-7, 2025AMTA
International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM)CanadaJuly 20-23, 2025​ANTEM
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/URSI)CanadaJuly 13-18, 2025AP-S/URSI
IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE)MalaysiaDecember 21-23, 2024APACE
IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP)New ZealandAugust 3-7, 2025APCAP
IEEE Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC)TaiwanMay 19-23, 2025APEMC
IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)ItalySeptember 8-12, 2025APWC
IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements and ApplicationsVietnamOctober 9-11, 2025CAMA
Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSRWTC)ChinaNovember 21-24, 2025CSRWTC
URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS)ItalyJune 23-27, 2025EMTS
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)SwedenMarch 30-Apr. 4, 2025EuCAP
International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)ChinaMay 19-22, 2025ICMMT
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)ItalySeptember 8-12, 2025ICEAA
International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits (ICMAC)PakistanApril 16-17, 2025ICMAC
International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)ChinaMay 19-22, 2025ICMMT
International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET)JordanFebruary 7-8, 2025ICRAMET
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC)IndiaFebruary 20-22, 2025ICSC
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Bio Conference ((IMBioC)TaiwanApril 15-17, 2025IMBioC
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)ChinaNovemberIMWS-AMP
IEEE India Conference (INDICON)IndiaNovember/DecemberINDICON
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP)JapanOctober 27-31, 2025ISAP
International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE)ChinaVariableISAPE
IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)USAFebruary 19-21, 2025iWAT
IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (IEEE iWEM)Hong KongAugust 4-6, 2025iWEM
IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS)ChinaMay 19-22, 2025IWS
IEEE Latin American Conference on Antennas & Propagation (LACAP)VariableDecemberLACAP
IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference (MAPCON)IndiaDecember 14-18, 2025MAPCON
International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO)ChinaJul. 29-Aug. 1, 2025NEMO
IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology(PAST)USAWill be in 2026PAST
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)UAEMay 4-8, 2025PIERS
IEEE International Workshop on Radio Frequency and Antenna Technologies (IEEE RFAT)China`May 23-26, 2025RFAT
IEEE Symposium on Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC)USAJune 15-17, 2025RFIC
IEEE International Conference on RFIDUSAApril 20-24, 2025RFID
IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications (RFID-TA)FranceOctober 27-30, 2025RFID-TA
IEEE International Workshop on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT)VariableAugustRFIT
Wireless, Antenna & Microwave Symposium (WAMS)IndiaJune 5-8, 2025WAMS
International Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA)GermanySeptember 16-18, 2025WSA

Other resources:


Information on general terms such as SCIE/SCI, Impact Factor, Scopus, CiteScore, etc.

The journals can be divided into different journal-level metrics:

Antenna-related Journals

Updated on November, 2024

  • First, read warnings before proceeding further.
  • Refer to abbreviations to understand the meaning of abbreviations used in this website.
  • For general information on different journal-related terms, refer to information page.
  • IEEE publications’ information is available at IEEE website.
Journal NameISSNIFCSOAAPCFDSample Papers
Advanced Materials1521-4095(O) 0935-9648(P)27.443H60702SP
Light: Science & Applications2047-7538(O)20.6 O41901SP1 SP2
Advanced Functional Materials1616-3028(O) 1616-301X(P)18.529.5H57902SP1 SP2
Advanced Science2198-3844(O) 2198-3844(P)14.318.9O67303SP
Engineering2096-0026(O) 2095-8099(P)10.119.2O13001SP
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)1091-6490(O) 0027-8424(P)9.419.0H7502SP
IEEE Internet of Things Journal2327-4662(O) 2372-2541(P)8.217.6H2495 SP
Advanced Optical Materials2195-1071(O) 2195-1071(P)8.013.7H48803SP
Materials & Design1873-4197(O) 0264-1275(P)7.614.3O33701.5SP1 SP2
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics1557-9948(O) 0278-0046(P)7.516.8H2495 SP
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence1873-6769(O) 0952-1976(P)7.59.6H31102SP
Science China Information Sciences1869-1919(O) 1674-733X(P)7.3 H3090 SP
Computer Physics Communications1879-2944(O) 0010-4655(P)7.212.1H36801.5SP1 SP2
IEEE Journal of Microwaves2692-8388(O)6.910.7O1995 SP
International Journal of Optomechatronics1559-9620(O) 1559-9612(P)6.79.3O 1.5SP
Photonics Research2327-9125(O)6.6 H2500 SP SP2
Composites Communications2452-2139(O)6.512.1H37901SP
Alexandria Engineering Journal2090-2670(O) 1110-0168(P)6.211.2O150011.5SP
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology1939-9359(O) 0018-9545(P)6.113.0H2495 SP1 SP2 SP3
Ain Shams Engineering Journal2090-4495(O) 2090-4479(P)6.010.8O100022SP1 SP2
Results in Engineering2590-1230(O)6.05.8O16501SP1 SP2
Progress In Electromagnetics Research1559-8985(O) 1070-4698(P)5.7 O400 SP
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1557-9662(O) 0018-9456(P)5.69H2495 SP
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics2588-9230(O) 1000-9361(P)5.310.0O 6SP
APL Materials2166-532X5.3 O2750 SP
Tsinghua Science & Technology1007-0214(O)5.212.1   SP
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences2213-1248(O) 1319-1578(P)5.210.5O14500.5SP
Measurement1873-412X(O) 0263-2241(P)5.210.2H36501SP1 SP2
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH)2215-0986(O)5.111.2O14002SP
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems1557-9603(O) 0018-9251(P)5.17.8H2495 SP
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering2288-5048(O)4.88.7O20506SP1 SP2
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation1558-2221(O) 0018-926X(P)4.610.4H2495 SP
Optics & Laser Technology1879-2545(O) 0030-3992(P)4.68.5H30902SP
Chinese Journal of Physics2309-9097(O) 0577-9073(P)4.68.5H200014SP
Results in Physics2211-3797(O)4.48.7O18700.5SP1 SP2
ACS Applied Electronic Materials2637-6113(O)4.47.2H30004.5SP
Progress in Additive Manufacturing2363-9520(O) 2363-9512(P)4.4 H 2SP
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences1471-2962(O) 1364-503X4.39.3H2795 SP1 SP2
IEEE Sensors Journal1558-1748(O) 1530-437X(P)4.37.7H2495 SP
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine1558-4143(O) 1045-9243(P)4.27.0H2995 SP
Technologies2227-7080(O)4.2 O1820 SP
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing1873-4081(O) 1369-8001(P)4.28.0H35400.3SP
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques1557-9670(O) 0018-9480(P)4.18.6H2495 SP
Frontiers of Optoelectronics2095-2767(O)4.1 O  SP
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1558-3791(O) 1549-7747(P)4.07.9H2495 SP
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology2156-3446(O) 2156-342X(P)3.97.1H2495 SP
Optical Materials1873-1252(O) 0925-3467(P)3.86.6H25100.5SP1 SP2
Scientific Reports2045-2322(O)3.8 O25903SP
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters1548-5757(O) 1536-1225(P)3.78.0H2495 SP
PLoS ONE 1932-6203(O)3.7  22902SP1 SP2
IEEE Microwave Magazine1557-9581(O) 1527-3342(P)3.73.9H  SP
Cluster Computing1573-7543(O) 1386-7857(P)3.6 H29901SP
Fractal and Fractional2504-3110(O)3.5 O3114 SP
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks2224-2708(O)3.57.6O17902.5SP SP2
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation2637-6431(O)3.56.5O1950 SP
IEEE Access2169-3536(O)3.49.8O1995<4SP
Heliyon2405-8440(O)3.4 O2270<15SP
Optical and Quantum Electronics1572-817X(O) 0306-8919(P)3.3 H30901SP1 SP2
Plasmonics1557-1963(O) 1557-1955(P)3.3  37901SP
Chinese Optics Letters1671-7694(O)3.3   4SP
Optics Express1094-4087(O)3.2 O21255SP
Journal of Physics D Applied Physics1361-6463(O) 0022-3727(P)3.16.8H31651SP
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation1925-7082(O) 0228-6203(P)3.16.1H 4SP
Multimedia Tools and Applications1573-7721(O)3.0 H29904SP
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications1618-0399(O) 1434-8411(P)3.06.9H30900.5SP
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology IEEE J-ERM2469-7257(O)2469-7249(P)3.06.4H  SP
Micromachines2072-666X(O)3.0 O3000 SP
Nanotechnology1361-6528(O) 0957-4484(P)2.97.1H31651SP
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation1558-4135(O) 1070-9878(P)2.96.0H2495 SP
Nano Communication Networks1878-7797(O) 1878-7789(P)2.96.0H22601.5SP SP2
Advanced Theory and Simulations2513-0390(O) 2513-0390(P)2.95.5H4430 SP
Digital Signal Processing1095-4333(O) 1051-2004(P)2.95.3H25801SP
Discover Applied Sciences3004-9261(O)2.87.0O1790 SP
Radiation Physics and Chemistry1879-0895(O) 0969-806X(P)2.85.6H33601.5SP
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics1573-482X(O) 0957-4522(P)2.8 H36901.5SP
Journal of Taibah University for Science1658-3655(O) 1658-3655(P)2.86.6O 1.5SP
Silicon1876-9918(O) 1876-990X(P)2.8 H30901SP
Flexible and Printed Electronics2058-8585(O)2.84.8H31651SP1 SP2
The European Physical Journal Plus (EPJ Plus)2190-5444(O)2.8 H37901.5SP
Journal of Information and Telecommunication2475-1847(O) 2475-1839(P)2.77.5O  SP
Scientific African2468-2276(O)2.75.6O5901SP1 SP2
Evolving Systems1868-6486(O) 1868-6478(P)2.7 H33901.5SP
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering2095-9230(O) 2095-9184(P)2.7 H30901.5SP
Journal of Applied Physics1089-7550(O)2.7 H  SP
Microelectronic Engineering1873-5568(O) 0167-9317(P)2.65.3H28601SP
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering2191-4281(O) 2193-567X(P)2.6 H33900.5SP1 SP2
Physica Scripta1402-4896(O) 0031-8949(P)2.63.7H22851.5SP
Applied Sciences2076-3417(O)2.55.3O2770 SP
IETE Technical Review0974-5971(O) 0256-4602(P)2.55.7H 1.5SP
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials1873-4766(O) 0304-8853(P)2.55.3H31200.5SP
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications1569-4429(O) 1569-4410(P)2.55.0H26601SP
Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing1432-0630(O) 0947-8396(P)2.5 H35903SP1 SP2
Current Applied Physics1878-1675(O) 1567-1739(P)2.44.8H26401.5SP SP2
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology2156-3985(O) 2156-3950(P)2.34.7H2645 SP
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking1687-1499(O)2.3 H 3.5SP
Optics Communications1873-0310(O) 0030-4018(P)2.25.1H24400.5SP
Journal of Electronic Materials1543-186X(O) 0361-5235(P)2.2 H3290 SP
Journal of Computational Electronics1572-8137(O) 1569-8025(P)2.2 H31902SP SP2
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics1879-1778(O) 0377-0427(P)2.15.4H31601SP
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics2010-1368(O) 2010-135X(P)2.13.8O 4SP
Wireless Networks1572-8196(O) 1022-0038(P)2.1 H319016SP1 SP2
Computers, Materials & Continua1546-2226(O) 1546-2218(P)2.05.3O1350 SP1 SP2
Journal of Optics2040-8986(O) 2040-8978(P)2.04.5H31651.5SP SP2
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility1558-187X(O) 0018-9375(P)2.04.8H2495 SP
Semiconductor Science and Technology1361-6641(O) 0268-1242(P)1.94.3H31651SP
Wireless Personal Communications1572-834X(O) 0929-6212(P)1.9 H32902.5SP
Engineering Reports2577-8196(O)1.85.1O22704SP1 SP2
Materials Research Express, IOP Sciences2053-1591(O)1.84.5H18801SP
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques2379-8793(O)1.84.3H  SP
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves1866-6906(O) 1866-6892(P)1.8 H37901SP
Annals of Telecommunications1958-9395(O) 0003-4347(P)1.8 H 3SP
Applied Optics2155-3165(O) 1559-128X(P)1.7 H 5SP
International Journal of Communication Systems1099-1131(O) 1074-5351(P)1.75.9H 1SP1 SP2 SP3
Journal of Engineering2314-4912(O) 2314-4904(P)1.74.2O10007SP
Automatika1848-3380(O) 0005-1144(P)1.74.0O92513SP1 SP2
International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications1754-5749(O) 1754-5730(P)1.61.1H  SP1 SP2
Mathematical and Computational Applications2297-87471.6 O1620 SP
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine1536-8386(O) 1536-8378(P)1.63.6H 1SP
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices And Fields1099-1204(O) 0894-3370(P)1.64.6  0.2SP
Microelectronics Reliability1872-941X(O) 0026-2714(P)1.63.3H25100.5SP
Radio Science1944-799X(O) 0048-6604(P)1.63.3H37009SP
Chinese Journal of Electronics2075-5597(O) 1022-4653(P)1.6 H2980 SP
Indian Journal of Physics0974-9845(O) 0973-1458(P)1.6 H30905SP
Microsystem Technologies1432-1858(O) 0946-7076(P)1.6 H28907SP
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science2671-7263(O) 2671-7255(P)1.6 O450 SP
Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials (TEEM)2092-7592(O) 1229-7607(P)1.6 H30902.5SP
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology2093-7423(O) 1975-0102(P)1.6 H32902SP
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering2075-5597(O) 1022-4653(P)1.6   NASP
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management0976-4348(O) 0975-6809(P)1.6 H309012SP
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering2364-1827(O) 2228-6179(P)1.5 H 4.5SP
Engineering Research Express (ERX)2631-8695(O)1.52.2H22852SP1 SP2 SP3
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies1759-0795(O) 1759-0787(P)1.43.5H3450 SP
Scientia Iranica2345-3605(O) 1026-3098(P)1.42.9O  SP1 SP2
Technology and Health Care1878-7401(O) 0928-7329(P)1.42.2H1500 SP
Journal of the Optical Society of America A1520-8532(O) 1084-7529(P)1.42.0  6SP
Scientia Iranica Transactions D: Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering2345-3605(O) 1026-3098(P)1.4 O  SP
Sādhanā0973-7677(O)1.4 N 6SP
Sādhanā0973-7677(O) 0256-2499(P)1.4 N 6SP
Technology and Health Care1878-7401(O) 0928-7329(P)1.4 H  SP
ETRI Journal2233-7326(O) 1225-6463(P)1.34.0  7SP
IETE Journal of Research0974-780X(O) 0377-2063(P)1.33.3H 10SP
IEEE Latin America Transactions1548-0992(O)1.33.5   SP1 SP2
International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (IJETI)2226-809X(O) 2223-5329(P)1.32.8O670 SP
Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)1748-0221(O)1.32.4H3135 SP
Opto-Electronics Review1896-37571.31.9   SP
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications1569-3937(O) 0920-5071(P)1.23.6H 2SP
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation1687-5877(O) 1687-5869(P)1.23.1O23755SP
Journal of Modern Optics1362-3044(O) 0950-0340(P)1.22.9H 4SP
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences1303-6203(O) 1300-0632(P)1.2 O0 SP
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing1573-1979(O) 0925-1030(P)1.2 H319013SP1 SP2
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation1751-8733(O) 1751-8725(P)1.14.3O24705SP
International Journal of Electronics1362-3060(O) 0020-7217(P)1.13.3H 1.5SP
Optical Engineering1560-2303(O) 0091-3286(P)1.12.7H1675 SP SP2 SP3
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics1875-8800(O) 1383-5416(P)1.11.7   SP
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters1098-2760(O) 0895-2477(P)1.03.4H24709SP
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering1931-4981(O)1.02.7H  SP1 SP2
Journal of Electrical Engineering The Journal of Slovak University of Technology1339-309X(O)1.01.7O  SP
Revue roumaine des sciences techniques0035-40661.01.5D  SP
Tehnički vjesnik – Technical Gazette TV-TG1848-6339(O) 1330-3651(P)1.0    SP
MAPAN0974-9853(O) 0970-3950(P)1.0 H27901SP1 SP2
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering1099-047X(O) 1096-4290(P)0.94.0O25706SP
Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy0832-7823(P)0.92.5H 12SP
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers1793-6454(O) 0218-1266(P)0.92.8H  SP1 SP2
ELECTRICA2619-9831(O)0.92.1   SP
Frequenz Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications2191-6349(O) 0016-1136(P)0.82.4H  SP
IEICE Electronics Express1349-2543(O)0.8 O3603SP1 SP2
IET Electronics Letters1350-911X(O) 0013-5194(P)0.72.7O21595SP
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering1844-7600(O) 1582-7445(P)0.71.8O3249SP
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)2180-3722(O)0.71.5   SP
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications1745-1345(O) 0916-85160.71.4O1100 SP
Radioengineering1805-9600(O) 1210-2512(P)0.7    SP
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP)0975-1041(O) 0019-5596(P)0.7 N  SP
The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES)1943-5711(O) 1054-4887(P)0.7 O500 SP
Electromagnetics1532-527X(O) 0272-6343(P)0.61.6H 2SP
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems1745-1361(O) 0916-8532(P)0.61.4   SP
Journal of Engineering Research (JER)2307-1885(O) 2307-1877(P)0.61.3   SP
Advances in Radio Science1684-9973(O)0.60.9O35** SP
Wulfenia1561-882X(O)0.6 O  SP
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST)1453-82450.6    SP
Facta Universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics2217-5997(O) 0353-3670(P)0.6 O  SP
Electronics and Communications in Japan1942-9541(O) 1942-9533(P)0.50.6   SP
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications2065-3824(O) 1842-6573(P)0.5    SP
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences1745-13370.41.1   SP
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics1555-6557(O) 1064-2269(P)0.4 H  SP
IEICE Communications Express2187-0136(O)0.3NAO  SP1 SP2
The Journal of Engineering (JoE)2051-3305(O) 2051-3305(P)0.8 O18908SP
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials1841-7132(O) 1454-4164(P)     SP
Chinese Optics2097-1842(O) 2.0   SP
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering1804-3119 (O)1336-1376 (P) 1.7   SP
Applied Science and Convergence Technology2288-6559(O) 1.4H300 SP
Iranian Journal of Science2731-8109(O) 2731-8095(P)  H31901SP
Defence Science Journal0976-464X(O) 0011-748X(P)  N  SP
IEICE Transactions on Electronics1745-1353(O) 0916-8524(P)     SP
Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering2255-9159(O)  O0 SP
Sensors International2666-3511(O)NA17.4O 0.3SP1 SP2
Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences (JKSUES)2213-1558(O) 1018-3639(P)NA12.1O020SP1 SP2
Optik1618-1336(O) 0030-4026(P)NA6.9H25701.5SP
Micro and Nanostructures2773-0123(O) 2773-0131(P)NA6.5H28401SP
International Journal of Information Technology2511-2112(O) 2511-2104(P)NA6.0H32906SP1 SP2
Intelligent Systems with Applications (ISWA)2667-3053(O)NA5.6 17400.5SP
Materials Today: Proceedings2214-7853(O)NA4.9H2002SP
Waves in Random and Complex Media1745-5049(O) 1745-5030(P)NA4.8H 3SP1 SP2
Procedia Computer Science1877-0509(O)NA4.5O 2.5SP
IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems2576-3164(O)NA4.4H2495 SP
World Journal of Engineering1708-5284NA4.2H38745SP1 SP2
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)2722-2578(O) 2088-8708(P)NA4.1   SP1 SP2
TELKOMNIKA2302-9293(O) 1693-6930(P)NA4.0   SP1 SP2
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics2302-9285(O) 2089-3191(P)NA3.6O345 SP
Journal of Communications1796-2021(O) 2374-4367(P)NA3.4O80013SP
Computer Systems Science and Engineering0267-6192(P)NA3.1O600 SP1 SP2
International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP)2533-2929(O) 2039-5086(P)NA2.9H435 SP1 SP2
International Journal of Technology (IJTech)2087-2100(O) 2086-9614(P)NA2.9O1110 SP
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science2502-4760(O) 2502-4752(P)NA2.9O345 SP1 SP2
Mathematical Problems in Engineering1563-5147(O) 1024-123X(P)NA2.6  NASP
Advanced Electromagnetics2119-0275NA2.5O0 SP
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering1521-4095(O) 0935-9648(P)NA2.3H26307SP
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering2205-362X(O) 1448-837X(P)NA2.3H 5SP1 SP2
Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR)2539-6218(O) 2539-6161(P)NA2.1O0 SP
e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy2772-6711(O)NA2.1O14501SP
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B2250-2114(O) 2250-2106(P)NA1.9H279010SP
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications2179-1074NA1.7O0 SP
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)1823-4690NA1.7H395 SP
Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering2352-0973(O) 2352-0965(P)NA1.7H  SP
International Journal of Electronics Letters2168-1732(O) 2168-1724(P)NA1.8H 5SP
International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE)2600-7916(O) 2229-838X(P)NA1.6N  SP
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications1755-9359(O) 1755-9340(P)NA1.5H3000 SP
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences2312-7589(O) 1813-162X(P)NA1.5O3003.1SP
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)2722-2608(O) 2089-4864(P)NA1.5O295 SP
EPJ Applied Metamaterials2272-2394(O)NA1.5O  SP
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)1995-8188(O) 1007-1172(P)NA1.4H3690 SP
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology1899-8852NA1.4O0 SP1 SP2
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C (PIER C)1937-8718(P)NA1.3O  SP
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics2087-5886(O) 2085-6830(P)NA1.3O0 SP
Progress In Electromagnetics Research - B (PIER-B)1937-6472NA1.2O200 SP
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems1934-8061(O) 0735-2727(P)NA1.1H  SP1 SP2
Progress In Electromagnetics Research - M (PIER-M)1937-8726NA1.0O200 SP
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications (ECTI-EEC)1685-9545NA1.0   SP
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters (PIER-L)1937-6480NA0.9O200 SP
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing1741-1092(O) 1741-1084(P)NA0.8   SP
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology1817-3195(O)1992-8645(P)NA0.7O550 SP
Journal of Xidian University1001-2400NA0.7   SP
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny2449-9544(O) 0033-2097(P)NA0.5O+0 SP
International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems1758-7298(O) 1758-728X(P)NA0.5O  SP
Microwave Review2406-1050(O)NA0.4O330 SP
Solid State Technology0038-111X(O)NA0.3O  SP
Indian Journal of Engineering2319-7765(O) 2319-7757(P)NA0.2O270 SP
International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT)1553-0396NA O120 SP
Journal of Electrical Systems1112-5209NA    SP
Journal of Advanced Research in Micro and Nano Engineering (ARMNE)2756-8210NA    SP
Journal of Harbin Engineering University (JHEU)1006-7043NA    SP
Journal of IKEEE (Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers )2288-243X(O) 1226-7244(P)NANAO  SP1 SP2
International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology (IJAMT)2456-4346NANA   SP
Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communications, Control, and Systems Engineering (IJCCCE)2617-3352(O) 1811-9212(P)NANAO0 SP
Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering (TJEE)2538-3051(O) 2008-7799(P)NANAO145 SP
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering2662-5423(O) 2662-5415(P)NANAH29902SP
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)3048-4855NANAO500 SP
Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics (IJRSP)0975-105X(O) 0367-8393(P)NANA   SP
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(IOSR-JEEE)2278-1676(O) 2320-3331(P)NANA   SP
IETE Journal of Education0974-7338(O)NANAH 2SP
Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering2972-3280(P)NANA   SP1 SP2
Journal of Techniques2708-8383(O) 1818-653X(P)NANAO0 SP

** per page


First thing first, read these warnings.

  • Work in progress (WIP), use with caution. The unfilled information will be filled in as time permits.
  • This list is to help the antenna community to find antenna-related journals easily. This list was created manually so it might be error-prone. Use it at your own risk.
  • In case of doubt, go to the original website of the journal for the latest information. Google is your friend in that case.
  • If you want to help, let me know. This table is written as a Markdown file and can be updated sooner if anybody wants to help.
  • Due to changing nature of publications, please check if the concerned journal is predatory in nature. Please use your own judgment if you decide to publish in such journals.

If you have read the above warnings, let’s move on.


Beamforming Networks for Antenna Arrays

Beamforming capabilities are required by the wireless communication networks of the future. Beamforming networks (BFNs), such as the Butler matrix or Rotman lens, are necessary for these circumstances to direct the beam in different directions. But creating such BFNs is not easy. These networks demand the user to be well-versed in computer-aided design technologies in addition to sophisticated mathematical formulas for creating such BFNs. We have been working on creating GUI-based software to handle the construction of such designs. Without having to worry about the underlying physics of the design, such software gives the user a number of options for fine-tuning the design of such networks. In this way, it is simple to import the BFN produced by the software into modern simulators and modify it as necessary. The presentation will summarize the key takeaways from our extensive experience developing software of this type for electromagnetic applications.

Periodic Structures in Electromagnetic Designs

Periodic structures play a fundamental role in the field of electromagnetics, providing unique and versatile ways to manipulate electromagnetic waves. These structures are characterized by their repeating patterns, which give rise to various intriguing phenomena and properties. Periodic structures enable the control of wave propagation by guiding and redirecting electromagnetic energy and manipulating its polarization and phase. They find applications in diverse fields, including antenna design, and photonics. The study and utilization of periodic structures have opened up new frontiers in electromagnetics, paving the way for innovative devices and technologies with enhanced performance and functionality. In the past, we used periodic structures for design on reflectarray, transmitarray, superstrate, and lens designs. The presentation will summarize the key takeaways from our experience developing electromagnetic designs using periodic structures.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.